Our story begins in 1959, when Paul Gineste de Saurs, winemaker in Gaillac near Toulouse, was seeking to diversify its revenues. He enjoyed going out, good food and good restaurants. And he came across a tenant that presented him the opportunity of the location in Paris Porte Maillot. The deal was there, Paul found the lease of a bankrupt Italian restaurant, and decided to start the adventure.
As he was not a restaurant specialist he decided on a simple formula: a single and typical French menu « salad, steak and fries » accompanied by this special sauce, sold at a reasonable price to attract a high number of clients.
And he opted to limit the upfront investments by keeping all items still working, such as the outside neon light with « Relais de Venise », and just added « Son Entrecôte ». He also opted for a very French bistro style with waitresses wearing typical black and white bistrot outfit.
Since then, le Relais de Venise welcome long time accustomed customers who often come back every week for years, its visitors from all parts of the world who booked their travel dates to Paris according to our opening dates, its reknown clients and celebrities who take the time to offer us wonderful dedicacies….and the success goes on for over 60 years….!

Dancers Lucienne
